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Announcement about 2023-2024-Spring Term EHM9000 Graduation Study Final Report Submission

Dear students, 

In the 2023-2024-Spring semester, please send your EHM9000 Graduation Study final reports to the Graduation Study Commission's e-mail address ( by Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 23:59, for template control.  The Graduation Study Commission will check the template of your report and give you feedback on any deficiencies and errors until Friday, May 24, 2024 at 23:59.  Team members are responsible for making the relevant corrections.

You must correct the errors and/or corrections reported to you during the template control and send your final report in PDF format by e-mail to your advisor, all jury members and the Final Work commission by Sunday, May 26, 2024, at 23:59.

At this stage, the documents to be sent to your advisor, all jury members and the Final Study Commission by Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 23:59 are listed below.

  1. Your final final reports
  2. FR-1489-Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Design Project and Dissertation Submission Form must be filled in, signed with a blue ballpoint pen and sent in PDF format.  All necessary forms and report templates are available under the Design Project and Dissertation Forms tab accessible at
  3. Originality report from the TURNITIN platform (please carefully follow the important points below on this subject)

Important Points Regarding the Use of TURNITIN:

  1. A class has been defined on the TURNITIN platform ( for you to upload the reports of the 2024 Spring Term Graduation Course and produce an originality report. The Class Number is: 43218229 and the Registration key is: SPRING2024BC.  You must obtain an originality report by uploading your final reports to the FINAL REPORT assignment section under this class.
  2. Only one person from each project team should register to the said platform using the number and key provided above, upload report drafts and have originality reports generated.  The originality reports to be produced, together with the other documents mentioned above, must be submitted to the advisor, jury members and the Final Work Commission by the specified date.
  3. The maximum acceptable total similarity rate has been determined as 30%, and the maximum similarity rate with a single source has been determined as 5%. 
  4. If the similarity rate in the originality reports to be produced on the relevant platform is higher than the upper limit values ​​stated above, you must reduce the similarity rate by updating your report and increasing your original contribution and produce a new originality report by uploading it to the platform again from the same account.
  5. Uploading the same report by more than one person causes the system to detect a 100% similarity rate.  Therefore, a report should be uploaded by only one person, and if it is to be uploaded again after the update, it should be done by the same person.
  6. It is mandatory to send an originality report; if not, your reports will not be evaluated.

IMPORTANT NOTE regarding File Naming:

We kindly request that you name the titles of all the documents you will send to your advisor, jury members and the Graduation Work Committee and the title of the e-mail you send according to your Subject and Team number.  Attached is a list containing the current topic and team numbers for your information.  Taking this list and the sample titles below into consideration, arranging your titles will make the work of both your advisor and jury members, as well as the Final Study Commission, easier.  We kindly request you to pay utmost attention to this matter.

Document Title Examples: (Konu: 5, Takım: 4 için)

K5T4-Bitirme Çalışması Final Raporu.pdf

K5T4-Bitirme Çalışması Teslim Formu.pdf

K5T4-Bitirme Çalışması Final Raporu Orijinallik Belgesi.pdf

Email Header Example:

K5T4 Bitirme Çalışması Final Raporu 

Poster Presentation and Oral presentation program will be announced with a second announcement.

We wish you success and well-being.  

EHM Graduation Study Commission