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2023-2024 Academic Year Program Outcomes Evaluation Survey

Dear students,

First of all, we would like to congratulate you, our valuable students, who have reached the graduation stage and wish you success in your future work and social lives.

FR-1521-Elektronik ve Haberleşme Müh. Bölümü Program Çıktıları Değerlendirme Anketi.xlsm survey has been prepared to measure and evaluate to what extent our students at the graduation stage have achieved the undergraduate program outcomes of our department. This survey is purely for statistical data purposes and filling it out carefully is of great importance in determining the steps to be taken to measure and improve the quality of education provided in our department.

All students taking the EHM9000 – Graduation Course should individually download and fill out the survey file available from the link above or attached and send it to the e-mail address with the title "Your Name-Surname-Program Outcomes Evaluation Survey" by the end of working hours on Friday, May 24, 2023. We kindly request you to.

Please consider the following points when filling out and sending the survey.

  1. Be sure to fill in the Name-Surname, Student Number and date sections at the beginning of the survey file.
  2. Read and answer each question carefully.
  3. Change the file name to your student number-your name-surname.
  4. Send the file to the address mentioned above with the e-mail title "Your Name and Surname - Program Outcomes Survey".

We wish you success and well-being, 

Graduation Study Commission