Dear students,
In accordance with the Senate decision mentioned below, you can take overlapping courses with a petition.
In accordance with the relevant decision, the students who will request to add a course should submit their petitions to the secretary of the department until February 12, 2025 or to via student e -mail addresses. The students who will send an e -mail should sent their petitions in PDF format.
The petitions should be transmitted only on the specified date and as specified. In addition, you should choose your courses in accordance with the academic calendar.
The following principles are applied according to whether or not to be taken for overlapping courses:
- If two applied courses are overlapping, these courses cannot be taken at the same time regardless of their previously taken.
- If the theoretical lesson is overlapping, one is previously taken, and these courses can be taken if the theoretical course has been taken before and has a success grade other than F0.
- If two theoretical courses overlap, these courses can be taken if at least one has a success grade outside the F0.
(This article has been added by the Senate decision of 19.12.2023/12-03.)
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